Welcome to my blog!
To be honest, I am not a blogger myself - strange to write it IN a blog, right? I am starting this as an experiment - first of all - if I will keep writing there for a longer period than a month AND of anybody would read that. If you are reading this right now - well, the blog is already a success.
- So what's the plan?
I'm gonna write stories when I feel like doing it - and I will really try not to use that as an on line diary - you know - we all have problems sometimes and feel bad about something but it turns out that the net doesn't need to know about that stuff.
So - I'm gonna try to write something resembling essays - or if I feel in the mood - you might be confronted with a short story OR even a travelogue.
Main languages of the blog would be ENGLISH and BULGARIAN - so if something is written in either of those and you don't get the language - well - sorry guys. I'll try to keep it user-friendly, I promise.
Oh, I almost forgot - in this blog I'll be using ONLY images that I am the author of - so any use without my permission is prohibited.